How AR Changes The Way Kids Learn & Develop Skills

How AR Changes The Way Kids Learn & Develop Skills
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Keeping up with the latest technological developments might seem challenging at first. The acceleration of innovations in the last 20 years can make it difficult for certain age groups to adapt to the new tech area. On the other hand, there is a lucky generation born right into the age of technologies like AR and artificial intelligence: Gen Z.

Gen Z, also called “digital natives”, stands out because they experience technology at every stage of their lives, unlike the other generations. According to PewResearch data, 95% of teens today either own or have access to a smart device.

To narrow the circle even further, 72% of children aged 8 and under, use mobile devices for social media consumption. In light of these data, it is a new and preferable method for parents to support their kids’ eye and brain development by including technologies like AR in the early stages of child development.

The contribution of augmented reality to the user experience also affects the purchasing habits of their parents. Today, many companies that are following the latest tech developments are using AR solutions in their eCommerce applications. The AR trend, which has also become widespread in products that appeal to children, greatly relieves the online shopping struggles of parents.

AR Commerce & Shopping for Toys

How does augmented reality change the game in eCommerce activities for children's products? Why do consumers tend to use AR services when shopping for kids' items & toys? To answer such questions, let’s take a quick look at the data shared by the global toy manufacturer Mattel.

Augmented reality applications for eCommerce are not just about the positioning of the sofa in your living room. Toys, which are an important part of child development as they are both fun and educational, are also an important category.

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According to the "U.S. Shopper Insights Family Life and Shopping During Covid-19 Pandemic" report, consumers used AR when purchasing toys in 2020 due to 5 main reasons: 

  • Understanding how the toy works (52%)

  • To be able to examine the features of the toy (52%)

  • Learning more about the toy and its features (46%)

  • Being able to understand the actual size of the toy (44%)

  • Being able to see how the child plays with the toy (36%)

As can be understood from the above reasons, improving the user experience with AR is one of the most important aspects of AR commerce.

Companies that offer AR solutions in their e-commerce applications provide their customers with a unique pre-purchase experience, gain significant brand loyalty, and have lower return rates at the end.

Explore and Interact: Augmented Toys

Technology is changing. Children are changing. The games/toys are changing. We do not know in what order these changes will take place, but the only thing we are sure of is that these categories will finally keep up with the latest developments in augmented reality.

Action figures, dolls, and games still lead the way in the toy industry. Although there is still a significant demand for these toys, the manufacturers are struggling to keep of with the latest technological developments in the industry. Augmented reality technology is kind of a breath of fresh air.

The AR-based game developed by Lego, one of the industry giants, is a good example of this. The Hidden Side AR application provides an exciting gaming experience by allowing children to interact with their legos. A ghost hunt that can be carried out with a smartphone or tablet also adds a different dimension to this experience.

AR in Education: Experience and Learn At The Same Time 

Education stands out as one of the main factors that fundamentally affect the way children perceive the world. We can say that AR, which takes its power from its visualization feature, brings innovative approaches to visual learning techniques.


For this reason, providing students with AR experiences in the classroom environment can increase their comprehension skills while keeping students' interest alive with its fun aspect. Seeing a picture of a heart in a science book? Or displaying a beating heart on the desk that you can almost touch?

Or you may want to take a tour around the Sun as the Earth does. Augmented reality will open the doors to a whole new world that is both fun and informative by offering a lifelike experience. This way, the students will remember the course syllabus better and form long-lasting memories.

We have mastered the relationship between books and technology since the release of e-books. Today, books are also compatible with augmented reality. A good example is Zchool, a mobile application that offers a free augmented reality service for children aged 5-13.

You can make printed materials dynamic by reviving the books of contracted publishers with AR infrastructure. Do you consider the actions of "telling a tale" or "listening to a tale" will turn into "showing tales" or "watching tales" in the future?

Similarly, apps like Quiver allow children to observe their creativity in a more tangible way. Using AR technology, Quiver helps children develop the concept of the third dimension by transferring coloring books into the real world.

The imagination of children who paint the human face blue and the sea red by overdoing their creativity finally finds its response in the real world. The surrealist artists of the future have already stepped forward.

Augmented Reality Makes Everyone a Part of The Game

Augmented reality can also help with accessibility, especially in areas like sports. Children who are not able to participate in active sports like their peers can feel left out. AR can solve this problem and pave the way for all children to be a part of the game. Developed for use in schools and collective sports, iGYM invites children with physical disabilities to play with their peers.

Keep Up With The Latest Advancements In AR

By incorporating AR solutions into your brand, you will be able to answer many of your customers' questions all at once. The power of visualization offered by AR goes beyond words. It will continue to play a big role in areas like shopping for toys & games, education, physical activities, and more.

You can get detailed information about our AR solutions by contacting our professional team, and meet the world of AR today.

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