The ABC of AR-Commerce

The ABC of AR-Commerce
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Why does our education life begin by learning the alphabet? Because you need to know the most basic parts of the subject first in order to dive deeper into the topic. This week, we thought why don’t we apply this same approach to our business life? We talk a lot about the relationship between augmented reality and eCommerce, but we decided to write the ABC of AR-Commerce to both refresh the knowledge of our previous readers and provide a smooth and comprehensive introduction to newcomers.

Here is the ABC of AR-Commerce; what it is and why brands should care about it.

  • A-ugmented Experiences are Everywhere

  • B-enefits of AR-Commerce are Endless

  • C-onsumers Love 3D & AR

If this sounds interesting, how would you like to dive a little deeper together?

A-ugmented Experiences are Everywhere

Above all, life itself consists of augmented experiences. Our job is to bring what we see digitally into real life, to create an observable and interactable form for them. Adding a new dimension to our online shopping experiences, AR-Commerce tries to bring the physical aspects of traditional commerce into digital stores and product pages with hyper-realistic immersive experiences. Product colors, textures, shapes, and sizes can be modeled exactly with the flexible environment offered by 3D AR-Commerce.

AR has been a technology that has radically changed the way we do business in many areas, especially since our remote working lives began. In fact, we can say that we see the touches of augmented reality from manufacturing to marketing in almost every industry. It is obvious that the pandemic had an effect on this rapid transformation, but technology would of course bring this era to us one day eventually. From logistics to architecture, from education to games and toys, AR is connecting the physical and digital worlds. 

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The most important reason why eCommerce comes first among all the other ones above is that it fills the sense of “emptiness” felt by thousands of customers who suddenly lose physical contact with stores and products. According to a consumer AR survey by Google, 66% of people are using augmented reality technology to help with their shopping experience. According to the same survey, 6 out of 10 people stated that they want to visualize where and how products will look in their real life. With 3D visualization, interactive virtual try-on experiences, and much more, AR-Commerce delights both customers and businesses. And one thing is for sure, it is here to stay.

B-enefits of AR-Commerce are Endless

Augmented conversion rate with augmented reality

Research shows that interacting with AR leads up to 94% higher conversion rates as visitors can feel more connected to your brand.

When it comes to a great shopping experience, a “perfect match” is everything. When there is a product we like at a store, we reach out to it, try it on, touch it to understand its texture and make sense of its shape by turning it around. Not being able to access this opportunity in online shopping makes it difficult for us to make our final decision. That's why we can say that interaction and visualization are everything for eCommerce.

AR solutions eliminate all these problems. Thanks to the virtual try-on technology, you can view a product from any angle, try it through the camera of your smart device, take photos and share them with your friends to ask them their opinion. We can say that the biggest output of AR is the completion of a safe and happy shopping process. And as a result, we do not see any reason why a happy customer should not return to your brand again and again.

Noticeable reduction in product returns

According to the 2021 Snap Consumer AR Research, returns are a $550 billion problem. Research shows that making AR a part of your sales strategy results in a 25% reduction in product returns.

The era of "buy, consume, buy again, consume, buy again" is over. Consumers who intentionally or unintentionally put slow fashion on their agenda are now thinking more than once about their final decision. To clear their confusion, there isn’t a more efficient solution than AR. Just view 3D models with the help of your device camera through an app or a browser, take a deep breath, and make up your mind. It will be more efficient in every way than viewing 2D images by zooming in and seeing dozens of photos of the same product from different angles.


AR is a self-marketing technology

When it comes to advertising and marketing, you should be aware that it is time to express your creativity. How can you be more noticeable than your competitors? How can you make your customers feel that you are making progress every year? We believe taking advantage of a promising technology can answer these questions. And by saying a promising technology, of course, we are talking about AR.

Forget big-budget advertising deals and spending hours on creative scripts. Augmented reality allows direct contact with the product, which increases “word-of-mouth” marketing so that you can even make your customers a part of your marketing process. Remember, participating in the fun is always more appealing than watching the fun.

Make your brand unforgettable

According to the 2021 Snap Consumer AR Report, 41% of brands state that providing AR experiences to their customers increases their chances of being considered.

A shoe placed on an attractive showcase can make us think about that brand even before going to sleep. How about creating your own showcase with AR? You can even become a topic of evening conversations with the augmented solutions you offer. As seen in the Snap Consumer AR Report, customers are establishing deeper connections with brands that make their shopping experience more efficient with technological solutions. In this way, you can have the opportunity to be the first brand that comes to your customers' minds in their next shopping experience.

C-onsumers Love 3D & AR

61% of consumers prefer brands that offer AR experiences according to Snap.

Although at first everything feels like something straight out of a science fiction novel, today customers want more AR experiences. Considering the data provided by Snap Consumer AR Research above, 61 out of every 100 people prefer an enhanced experience. What’s more, these numbers are expected to only go up in the following years.

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Being a business that adopts and implements progressive technologies is one of the ways to stay in the minds of customers. After all, you invest in your brand to get positive returns and build brand loyalty. If innovation is an important criterion for becoming a love brand, AR is one of the most important steps. Perhaps the most important, and you can be sure that it will not go unnoticed.

As we also support with the data, the era of traditional shopping is about to come to an end. Just as online shopping has become an area where almost every brand joined, AR will have the same success tomorrow. Starting to experience tomorrow's technology today can help you improve and stay a few steps ahead when everyone else is here.

D-o Something Today For Your Brand Tomorrow

We added this item ourselves. Learning an extra letter wouldn't hurt, would it? 

As you can see, even talking about the most basic benefits of augmented reality is enough to get both consumers and manufacturers excited about the future. So what are you waiting for? You can contact our professional team today and start exploring our 3D & AR solutions for your business and creative projects.

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